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✽ UNIT 7 ✽
Representing natural inland or coastal scenery.
❖ Look for a centre of interest - a dominant object. Everything else should lead the eye to this.
❖ Look for a variety of shapes in rocks and trees.
❖ Look for a negative/positive relationship between the sky and land/sea.
❖ Look for perspective and good size relationship of objects, one to another.
❖ Is there sufficient light and shade to give form to trees, buildings, etc?
❖ Ensure there is only one light source.
❖ Recognition of atmospheric perspective (as in Leonardo da Vinci's painting notes).
1. Diminution of size
2. Diminution of detail
3. Greying of colour - warm to cool for sense of depth.
❖ Tonal value is crucial to the finished effect.
❖ Close objects will have the strongest lights and darkest darks.
❖ As objects recede they will show less detail and less contrast.
❖ Distant objects will have lights and darks merging.
❖ Does the colour suggest a mood? A dull day - a sunny day?
To be painted on a glazed Porcelain surface AT LEAST 8inches or 20cm diameter.
As always, work must be painted without assistance and painted specifically for this Unit Standard judging.
● NO Bone China
● NO Ceramics
● NO Porcelain Bisque
● NO Porcelain Canvas
● NO Monochrome
● NO Lustre
● NO Frosted Metallics
● NO Pen & Wash
● NO Commercial Grounding
Tiles must be suitably framed, but must NOT be under glass.
JUDGING: Read General Judging Guidelines and Judging Guidelines, etc. on Pages 2 - 6 of the "Porcelain Art Teachers New Zealand Judging Guidelines" booklet or here on our site.