The Judging Guidelines for Unit Presentation and Judging information has been prepared specifically to help PATNZ members with the preparation of pieces for our Unit Standard assessments and to assist in the judging process when called upon to judge. Our sincere thanks must go to the Teaching Institute of NSW Inc. for allowing us to use their TIPA Guidelines as the basis of this booklet.
For the very best understanding of all the categories, further research is, of course, necessary.
These Guidelines deal individually with each category and indicate where special subject size, technique or product restrictions exist. Please study these special requirements very carefully.
From time to time PATNZ members will be asked to judge at PATNZ, or local Exhibitions and it is important to realise that these Guidelines are especially for Unit Standards. When judging at an Exhibition or show always follow the schedule provided by that particular Society or Association. The size of the piece, type of gold, number of flowers, restrictions on lustre, etc. etc. would not be the same as a Unit Standards assessment.
Unit Standards are really examinations by another name and these Guidelines therefore, will differ in many ways from competition judging where individuals are in competition with another for top place. In Unit Standards, one is only in competition with oneself.
Two Unit Standards will be assessed each year and the subjects announced in the first 'Highlights' after the AGM. Judging will take place at the AGM, or function held in conjunction with the AGM the following year. Certificates will be awarded to those who pass their assessments and a register kept by the PATNZ Executive.
Should a member not be successful in passing an assessment, she may resubmit another piece in that particular Unit the following year - if this piece is also unsuccessful the member cannot resubmit a piece in that Standard the following year but must wait for that subject to come round again. A member who does not submit a piece for assessment in the year the subject is announced is not eligible to submit her piece the following year but must wait for that Unit to come round again.
Sandra Austin
Porcelain Art Teachers NZ