About Porcelain Art Teachers New Zealand...
Many years ago all porcelain art teachers belonged to IPAT (International Porcelain Art Teachers) which is based in America.
Australia started APAT (Australasian Porcelain Art Teachers) a number of years ago to represent the South Pacific and to give a down-under voice to porcelain art teachers in this region. New Zealand joined them. It was a mutually beneficial arrangement. We were firmly affiliated with Australia and held exhibitions in different states of Australia and every twelve years the New Zealand Branch had their turn. The wonderful collaboration between Australian and New Zealand teachers has always been a pleasure to be part of. Sandra Austin, President of PATNZ is still a member of the Queensland APAT.
Porcelain Art Teachers New Zealand (PATNZ) was born from an idea and a desire a group of New Zealand porcelain painting artists had to not only showcase their skill and talent in the exquisite art of painting on porcelain, but to pass on that skill to a new generation of artists by way of demonstrations, workshops, exhibitions, and teaching students in a classroom or on an individual basis.
What began as the Australasian Porcelain Art Teachers many years ago has now evolved and branched into a dedicated association for Porcelain Art Teachers here in New Zealand. Through this website we are endeavouring to create a home where ❛all things porcelain❜ live. Our goal is to establish our site as a repository of knowledge for sharing with the community of New Zealand. We are dedicated to facilitating a teacher and a student to connect with each other too.
PATNZ has long continued its focus on teaching the foundations of porcelain painting from the simplest of patterns to the most complex creations. PATNZ has a desire to encourage students of all ages to experience how painting on porcelain enriches a painter's life through personal satisfaction and achievement. We seek to enable a student to communicate his/her inspirations and feelings then help the student to translate that inspiration creatively into the form of a piece of painted porcelain art.
The PATNZ enthusiasm for the medium of porcelain painting has continued to flourish to this day. It will always be a relevant and beautiful form of artistic expression in today's world saturated with digital expression! We are committed and dedicated to using our collective skills in the teaching and sharing of our knowledge. We aim to inspire an artist to show his/her talent in the compelling art form of painting on porcelain.
Many friendships have been formed over the years and continue to be formed. We are a welcoming community. Conventions and exhibitions provide a wonderful opportunity for artists and students to meet up and enjoy the friendly atmosphere of these occasions and take part in the demonstrations. It is a perfect environment for the exchange of innovative ideas, tips, tricks, etc.
We never stop learning!
Art Credits:
(Above right) ©Lynette Smith "Portrait Of A Lady With Hat"
(Above left) ©Sandra Austin "Aotearoa"
Sandra AustinSecretary
Lynette SmithTreasurer
Leonie DobbsCommittee
Monica Martin
For a number of years the China Painting List has been a valuable information resource for porcelain artists around the world. ArtOnPorcelainNZ is now listed on the China Painting List which will definitely bring more visitors to our website and Facebook page. ❝The only online directory just for porcelain painting.❞ This select list includes china painters❜ personal and business sites; associations and museums; some brush, kiln and paint manufacturers; fine china and potteries; plus magazines, schools and suppliers. There is also a newsletter. Pop over and have a look around, there's plenty of interesting links to visit here...
©2017 All Rights Reserved!
This website or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the Porcelain Art Teachers Association New Zealand except for the use of brief quotations in a review. All photographic images remain the sole property of the contributing artists and may not be reproduced for distribution, copied, printed or otherwise disseminated without the express prior written permission of the artist. All due care is taken in the editing and inclusion of images and text in our website, but should you have concerns about inaccuracies or omissions please get in touch via our Contact page.