For a number of years The China Painting List has been a valuable information resource for porcelain artists around the world. ArtOnPorcelainNZ is now listed on The China Painting List which will definitely bring more visitors to our website and Facebook page. ❝The only online directory just for porcelain painting.❞ This select list includes china painters❜ personal and business sites; associations and museums; some brush, kiln and paint manufacturers; fine china and potteries; plus magazines, schools and suppliers. There is also a newsletter. Pop over and have a look around, there's plenty of interesting links to visit here...
International Porcelain Artists and Teachers (IPAT) was founded in 1958 in Dallas, Texas by a small group of Porcelain Art Teachers. Since that time, the organisation has been instrumental in stimulating international interest and appreciation for porcelain art through the Porcelain Artist magazine that contains 80 pages of full color photos. The IPAT Museum is in Grapevine, Texas. It contains many pieces painted by artists from all over the world. Anyone can join IPAT and become a part of our worldwide community of artists. Pop over and visit IPAT here...
IPAT Asia Chapter is a member of International Porcelain Artists and Teachers, Inc. founded in the USA in 1958. Its objectives are to exchange thoughts and ideas, through fellowship, with artists having similar interests and organise exhibitions for the purpose of promoting porcelain art, and to raise the level of quality, to stimulate appreciation and interest and to act as a central point for dissemination of information concerning activities in the field of porcelain art. Pop over and visit IPAT Asia Chapter here...
APAT WA are a group of artists from around Western Australia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand, all dedicated to passing on the fine art of Porcelain Painting. Their bi-annual Regional Exhibition is always popular and an invitation to attend can be requested by emailing ❛The President❜ via the contact page on their website. Anyone with an interest in the fine art of porcelain painting may apply to become a ❛FRIEND❜ of the group. Pop over and visit IPAT WA here...
PORCELAIN ARTIST PROBOARDS on Pinterest is populated with a huge range of porcelain painting art pieces from artists all over the world. It is definitely worth a look around if you've got some spare time during your own painting or just curious to have a look at the work of fellow artists everywhere. The Pinterest Proboards are a good place to start looking from. Pop over and visit the Porcelain Artist Proboards on Pinterest here...
Additional links coming soon...

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This website or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the Porcelain Art Teachers Association New Zealand except for the use of brief quotations in a review. All photographic images remain the sole property of the contributing artists and may not be reproduced for distribution, copied, printed or otherwise disseminated without the express prior written permission of the artist. All due care is taken in the editing and inclusion of images and text in our website, but should you have concerns about inaccuracies or omissions please get in touch via our Contact page.