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✽ UNIT 15 ✽
To be painted on a glazed porcelain plate, tile or other suitable porcelain shape, no less than 8inches or 20cm.
● NO Bone China
● NO Ceramics
● NO Porcelain Bisque
● NO Porcelain Canvas
● NO Grounding
● NO Dusting
● NO Metallics
● NO Penning
● NO Lustres or textural effects
Tile must be framed, but NOT under glass.
A colour harmony using only ONE HUE with its tints, tones and shades.
Black, White and Gray are Achromatic and are not colours so may be used to produce a tint, tone or shade of the chosen Hue.
✦ Single Hue plus White - Tint
✦ Single Hue plus Gray - Tone
✦ Single Hue plus Black - Shade
JUDGING: General Judging Guidelines and Judging Guidelines, etc. on Pages 2 - 6 of the "Porcelain Art Teachers New Zealand Judging Guidelines" booklet or here on our site.
FIRING: Good even glaze.
Design must suit porcelain allowing emphasis for good tonal values for both design and background.
❖ (A) Design painted using Achromatic tonal values first fire.
Further applications to be monochromatic with chosen Hue.
❖ (B) Design painted using one Hue with its tints, tones and shades,
❖ (C) Rookwood Style - painted (no dusting) using one Hue with its tints, tones and shades.
❖ Is it Monochromatic?
❖ Look for clarity of Colour (no mud).
❖ Good tonal value.