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✽ UNIT 4A & 4B ✽
Must be painted on glazed porcelain plates, tiles or other suitable porcelain shapes at least 8inches or 20cm.
❖ Look for fur/feather textures, eye highlight and nose/beak highlight.
❖ Bird/Animal must have good tonal form, i.e. not look flat.
❖ Is the Bird/Animal too large for the piece?
❖ Some porcelain shapes are not suitable as a changing plane may distort the shape.
❖ Size relationship of Bird/Animal to its environment is important. Is the creature comfortable?
❖ Is it interesting - appealing?
❖ Does the subject look alive - or does it look like something on sale at the local taxidermists?
● NO Bone China
● NO Ceramics
● NO Porcelain Canvas
● NO Porcelain Bisque
● NO Monochrome
● NO Lustre
● NO Frosted Metallics
● NO Pen & Wash
● NO Commercial Grounding
As always, work must be painted without assistance and painted specifically for this Unit Standard judging.
Tiles must be suitably framed, but must NOT be under glass.
More than one Animal or Bird may be painted on the appropriate piece. They must be the focal point and large enough to see clearly the texture of fur/feathers, etc. At least one eye must be clearly seen. They should be painted in a naturalistic manner and large enough to convince the judge that you are competent in these subjects.
JUDGING: General Judging Guidelines and Judging Guidelines, etc. on Pages 2 - 6 of the "Porcelain Art Teachers New Zealand Judging Guidelines" booklet or here on our site.
FIRING: Colours must be well matured. No chipping, no dull patches.
Tonal value is important especially to give form. Colour should have appeal though not necessarily be bright. Fur and feather detail can be understated if the creature is small and more defined in a larger creature.