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✽ UNIT 5 ✽
A combination of at least three different fruits must be used and should be of sufficient size to convince the judges that you are competent in this subject. Leaves and background must be painted. It MUST be painted on a glazed porcelain surface of AT LEAST 6inches or 15cm diameter.
● NO Bone China
● NO Ceramics
● NO Porcelain Bisque
● NO Porcelain Canvas
● NO Monochrome
● NO Lustre
● NO Frosted Metallics
● NO Pen & Wash
● NO Commercial Grounding
As always, work must be painted without assistance and painted specifically for this Unit Standard judging.
Tiles must be suitably framed, but must NOT be under glass.
JUDGING: Read General Judging Guidelines and Judging Guidelines, etc. on Pages 2 - 6 of the "Porcelain Art Teachers New Zealand Judging Guidelines" booklet or here on our site.
FIRING: Colours must be well matured. No chipping, no dull patches.
Fruit must have good tonal form, i.e. fruit must not look flat. Highlights and shadow areas are important.
Many pieces of porcelain with extreme shape may distort the shape of the fruit.
❖ Has the combination of fruit been chosen to fit the piece?
❖ Is the size of the fruit relevant (eg the size of a strawberry to the size of a peach).
❖ If flowers are painted as well, are they actually seen on the tree/vine at the same time as the fruit (lemons, blackberries etc. may have flowers and fruit, but never peach, apples, plums).
❖ Do some research on this as the style is NATURALISTIC.
❖ Are the leaves correct for the fruit?
❖ Placement of the fruit must be pleasant whether in still-life formation or hanging from a branch.