Welcome to the Spring 2019 issue of ❛PATNZ Create❜
Welcome to our Spring Issue for 2019!
Yes, it's been a while since our last newsletter. But I promise you that we have a great line up of information and reports to whet your appetite and inspire you get those brushes out and begin to paint to your heart's content.
Spring has arrived in Wellington with the blossoms on the trees and the daffodils are in full bloom. The birds are building their nests with toe toe fronds from my garden. I also have an avocado tree that has after 25 years has decided to fruit. I will now have to be patient until next year before picking it once it has ripened. I just hope nothing happens weather wise to upset the fruit.
A preview of what's in our Newsletter
❝Unit Standards Updates❞
Two students who were to start last year have now joined and will start with Unit Standards Unit 1 - Soft Flowers, Unit 2 - Traditional European. There is also another student who has re-joined us and is following on where she left off some years ago. This is just awesome and great to have her aboard.
Also, two candidates who will be doing Unit 3 - Pen and Wash, Unit 4(a) - Animals, Unit 4 (b) - Birds.
We wish them every success and will announce results in the next newsletter.
This will follow the Unit Standard judging at 2.00pm at Sandra Austin's home, 45 Oakleigh Street, Maungaraki. All are welcome to attend and please advise me if you intend to come.
❝Regional Roundup❞
❝Dunedin Porcelain Artist Yearly report❞
Below is the President's Report received from Joan McGaw President of Dunedin Porcelain Art and Mary Glass Secretary. This was accompanied by a lovely and encouraging letter from these lovely ladies.
Joan — President Report for year 2018/19
We have been quite laid back in our monthly topics, painting poppies, Easter and Christmas designs which included penguin's (the design taken off a paper serviette). Following the Christmas break, we did freehand drawing, using circles and oblong shapes to create bears and even a racoon, an interesting study, taking those who tried it out of their comfort zone. Our newer members painting baby kookaburras, mugs and an Arrowtown study with much satisfaction.
Lake Waihola was the venue again for our end of year lunch, with everyone enjoying the lovely meal, good company and pleasing outlook of the garden from our table.
During the year, June Greig, an honorary member passed away after several years in Ross Home. June was a very talented artist, not only in china painting but also in other mediums, especially oil and water painting. Many of her paintings can be found throughout the country. Her expertise as a painter was widely known, and many benefited from her willingness to share this knowledge. She was a legend and much admired by those who knew her.
We were also saddened at the passing of Bunny, Ruth Andrews husband, after several years in care, I knew Bunny from my school days, when he travelled as a very young lad on the Hillend School bus — so many years ago, but lots of fond memories.
We were also very shocked to learn of Trevor, Elizabeth Gray's husband's, unexpected passing. He was always interested in chatting and what everyone was working on. We all looked forward to having a chat with Trevor when he dropped in during our monthly meetings, on trips to Balclutha or at our Christmas lunch, he was always there as part of the group. We share in our member's loss. I know both Trevor and Bunny will leave a big gaps in their partners lives — may your memories of time spent together keep them in your hearts forever near.
To those of you who have suffered health problems, I hope the year ahead will be better one for you, especially Bev Giliam who moved to Taieri Mouth to live with her family, and Elizabeth, whose unfortunate mishap has put her out of action in the meantime. We all wish you a speedy recovery.
To Mary and Elizabeth, our most capable Secretary and Treasurer. Thank you both for your valuable and sterling work throughout the year. Thank you from me and our members — what would we do without you.
And finally to each and everyone, I thank you for your support and attendance during the year — you are all the reason why we are all still going strong — we have a special group — long may it last.
I think I wrote a couple of years ago, "May your head be full of ideas and your hand steady enough to paint them!" Well my head still has a few ideas there but sadly the hand is slower and not so steady!
Photo above: "Moeraki Boulders" Dunedin
❝Hutt Valley Porcelain Calendar 2019❞
We have had a busy few months in the Hutt Valley. Our annual exhibition was held in July this year which meant a shorter time for painting those master pieces but it was still an impressive display with just under 100 pieces by ten painters. Thank you, ladies, for continuing to support the association and continue to keep this wonderful art form alive.
We have had good attendances at monthly club days with a variety of topics, eg a hands-on day doing petit point which was a really great learning curve as the premixed petit point was old and is no longer commercially available. This technique can still be achieved using MATT paints and other products I have since read about so will now try that to ensure it works.
A second paint-in day we painted tiles with a penned albatross with a vibrant wet grounding background with Sandra Austin. Other days we discussed the uses of different types of gold and IMARI which we will follow up with a paint-in day in 2020.
We have two new members joining us from other regions that no longer have associations as they wish to keep in touch with likeminded artists.
Finally, on a sad note we acknowledge the passing of one of our older members — Maureen Taplin who passed away last month. Maureen was a long-standing committee member and always at the centre of fun and laughter.
Monica & Lorraine
❝Advertise in our Events Calendar❞
❝For Sale❞
Ann McSweeney has an Arum China Painters Kiln for sale.
❝Melanie Foster's Seminars❞
We spent the Monday showing Melanie around. I took her to the Waiwhetu Marae so she could see a Maori Meeting House. As it happens they had a working bee on and as I'm related by marriage to the Iwi we were invited in to view the inside of the meeting house where Melanie was given permission to take photos. She was very humbled and delighted to have such a welcome. Later a drive to Eastbourne for lunch and a little walk on the beach looking for shells. We found some large mussel shells which she found enormous. Along with a paua shell. Then a walk along Petone Wharf and then home for a rest and dinner.
Tuesday we started with the Zebra Seminar. This was fully subscribed and it was lovely to have Maria King and Marion Johnston from out of town attend. They enjoyed their visit to Wellington and learning from Melanie all she had to teach about her amazing style of painting on porcelain.
All who took part in this seminar have a wonderful piece that they painted with Melanie's tuition. The photos just don't do them justice. But here are a few for you to view. I wish there had been room for me to have painted the Zebras too.
Thursday night we had a get together at a local Thai restaurant for a joint dinner with all the ladies from both classes. We all had a lovely time. It was there that we presented Melanie with a gift made by a New Zealand craft jeweller. It was made with paua, encased in a crystal and silver setting. Melanie just loves it.
I then took Melanie for a walk down Cuba Street to view our bucket fountain, she just loved all the old buildings along Cuba Street. Some have been restored since the Kaikoura earthquakes while others are still under construction. They have kept the facades of the old buildings and are building new ones in behind.
We caught a Wellington city bus to Lambton Quay and took a ride on the cable car to view Wellington Harbour in its glory. Alas as Wellington is known for it — the weather quickly turned cold and it was time to head home to a lovely warm house and dinner.
Saturday, we began the 'Datura with Butterfly' Seminar. When you think something looks simple clean and crisp you find out that the skill needed to achieve it is anything but simple. What an amazing subject to paint along with a great and talented teacher. We had periods when it turned to custard and then other times we achieved a difficult transition straight away. The skill in using not only Melanie's brushes but her medium which has great properties that enable you to adjust and repair your painting even after a couple of hours. I did need a lot of assistance on the first day as did the rest of the class. By day two we were making great strides and improvements with our pieces. I for one found the whole learning process great. It has extended me and I know my student Anne made enormous progress in loading her brush and techniques that have given her much more confidence. I myself feel very privileged to have had such a master tutor visit New Zealand. We hope to have Melanie back in the future and she would definitely love to return to our shores.
❝Photos from Melanie Foster's Seminars❞
I wish to thank all the lovely ladies who came to attend these seminars. It was a pleasure to see everyone enjoy themselves and it was lovely to meet two wonderful ladies from Inglewood and Edgecumbe.
The magical heart of ArtOnPorcelainNZ beats with Encouragement, Love of our Art, Respect, and Kindness to All! Please keep that in the forefront of your thinking.
Embrace it! Enjoy it!
Your Partner in Success
Copyright ©2017 ArtOnPorcelainNZ, All rights reserved.
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the official newsletter of Porcelain Art Teachers NZ
Inspire, Inform, Educate!
Hello Fellow Artists
●Unit Standards update dates and times.
●Hutt Valley Porcelain Art Association Exhibition report. By Monica Martin.
●And the best for last - excerpts from Melanie Foster's two Seminars. WOW! WHAT A TREAT!
●Also, if I have room pictures and report from APAT Exhibition Queensland. If short of space I will add them to the summer newsletter.
This year's "Unit Standards" judging will take place the weekend Saturday 2nd November 2019. As with last year the venue is at Sandra Austin's home in Maungaraki, starting at 10.00am.
A little reminder for something to watch out for...
I still plan to introduce a "Regional Round Up" section in the newsletters where I will be inviting contributions from artists, groups, and associations out in the regions to keep us all up to date with news, views and generally what's happening in the porcelain art community in YOUR region! Keep a lookout and get your typing fingers ready (or your pens)!!
Once again it give me great pleasure to present my report for 2018/19. Twelve months have passed and our membership stands at nine with hopefully an increase in the future. Attendance have been on a par with last year, with an average of five members each months. In February we had only three — Mary, Isabelle and myself. As well as painting we discussed patchwork and knitting and the following the meeting we called in to Mary's to view her handiwork. This was really special and a great end to our day.
Unfortunately, the October Club day was cancelled due to most folk being time poor at this time, BUT we are all looking forward to meeting in November for the end of year Christmas lunch on Friday 29th November at the 19th Haven Restaurant at Te Marua. If you are in the Region you are most welcome to join us.
Don't forget our newsletter is all about YOU! We would love you be involved with the creative input of producing our online newsletter and events calendar which is also printed for artists and friends who do not have regular access to a computer. So if you know anyone who would love to receive our newsletter by snail mail please email me sandra@artonporcelain.co.nz or pop over and use our contact form on our website.
We would like to extend an open invitation for anyone to send us details of any events you would like included in our newsletter.
She also as some kiln furniture for sale. This is in very good condition.
Kiln dimensions:
Height on it stand is 1250mm
Width 610mm
Depth 565mm
Please contact her by txt to 027 2846 128 or email amcsweeney@xtra.co.nz
It was a most enjoyable time hosting Melanie Foster here in Wellington. I was very privileged to have Melanie staying in my home in Maungaraki. When we arrived in the early hours of Monday 1st September she was wondering where she was going as I live on the top of the Western Hills in Lower Hutt. But in the morning when she awoke and opened her curtains she said what an amazing sight of beautiful camelias in full bloom plus Wellington Harbour view. She was impressed with Wellington and what it had to offer.
On the Friday Melanie had a free day so, the two of us went into Wellington city and I booked in a tour of the Weta Cave and Workshop. Melanie was so blown away by the amazing work that is produced in Miramar and after a two-hour tour we had lunch at a local place called the Larder. We tried a goat burger and I persuaded Melanie to have an "Affogato" coffee with Baileys — It was divine!! Then off to the city to Gordon Harris to buy a special wipe-out pen and nibs that works so well. If anyone is interested to get these let me know they are so good at getting dust and small hairs of your painting and when using as a wipe out tool it doesn't leave a build up as the nib is cotton.
Zebra Seminar (left to right) Emilia, Pauline, Sandra, Marion, Melanie, Lorianne, Lynettee, Monica, and Maria. Well done ladies!
Datura with Butterfly (left to right) Pauline, Emelia, Sandra, Melanie, Lee, and Anne. Well done ladies!
Everyone one who attended the Zebra and Datura with butterfly seminars were presented with a certificate of attendance.
Sandra Austin
(President PATNZ)
Unit Standards Judging Rules