Welcome to the October 2017 issue of ❛PATNZ Create❜
Welcome to October's newsletter!
Rain days and rainy nights mean more painting for me. Is that the same for you? What strangely fickle weather we've had recently. I thought the snuggliest season of the year was well and truly over, but lately, one day the snuggly blankets are stored away and the next day they're back out of the cupboard again.
I believe there is no better place to be than where you paint; where your level of creativity speaks to your art and inspires you. It is a favourite place to escape from all the worries the world presents us with. The time before we lived on the Internet, we searched for ideas for painting within ourselves and from within our groups and associations. My library of books still looks soooooo good. Creating a home on the World Wide Web for ArtOnPorcelainNZ has been such an amazing journey of learning for me and an amazing opportunity to embrace all that living online has presented me with. The revelation of life on the web has kept me wide-eyed and astonished to say the least. And, what better place than AOPNZ online to reflect the myriad of personalities who live in the world of porcelain painting. I can't deny it's very liberating and I'm bursting with enthusiasm!
Kay is a Member of the Tauranga Porcelain Art Assn, APAT (Australasian Porcelain Art Teachers Assn), IPAT (International Porcelain Art Teachers Assn), PPIO (Porcelain Painters International Online) and PATNZ (Porcelain Art Teachers NZ).
Can I touch on the subject of news with everyone? We are a young community and just beginning to find our feet online. We are all super keen to succeed and unsurprisingly we have fallen in love so quickly with the online atmosphere and sense of belonging this group of artists creates. The wonderful feedback I have been receiving is heart-warming, encouraging, and humbling. I have no doubt our amazing community, as it goes from strength to
Our "Newsletter" and "Events" page is all about YOU! We would love you be involved with the creative input of producing our online newsletter and events calendar which is also printed for artists and friends who do not have regular access to a computer. So if you know anyone who would love to receive our newsletter by snail mail please get in touch here sandra@artonporcelain.co.nz or pop over and use our Contact Form here. We would like to extend an open invitation for anyone to send us details of any events you would like included in our events calendar page.
Painting With Monica!
Hello everyone and thank you Sandra for the opportunity to have input into the newsletter.
As there has been quite a lot of chat regarding lustre use here are a couple of useful tips:
● As summer is fast approaching do your lustre work sooner rather than later as it needs to have a temperate climate for a successful application.
● When padding lustre over a large area have two silk pads prepared - one for the first padding and another clean one to even out the application. (These should be cotton wool covered with two layers of silk - to prevent wool fibres from sticking to porcelain surface).
Experiment before starting that master piece!!
Monica Martin
Are you an artist with a passion for the art of painting on porcelain?
ArtOnPorcelainNZ along with Porcelain Art Teachers NZ (PATNZ) are working to compile a register of all porcelain artists New Zealand-wide. This register will give us up-to-date information of everyone involved in our art form in New Zealand. The information you provide us will be handled with an appropriate level of discretion and confidentiality. Your information will never be sold or given to any other organisation or club or group or association. That is guaranteed.
For artists and friends who subcribe to our newsletter by post we are including a "Registration Form" for you to complete and post back to us if you are interested in joining our community.
If there are any artists who for any reason dropped out with only a few Units away from completing the Diploma I urge you to get in touch here sandra@artonporcelain.co.nz or pop over and use our Contact Form here. We look forward to working with you and helping you get started back on the road to the finish line. You can rest assured you will receive a warm and friendly welcome from our group.
I am often asked by artists...
This is such a commonly asked question I thought now is good time to answer it and give clarity to a process which adheres to strict rules - rules which are underpinned with respect, honesty, and transparency of process.
At the top of the list, artist anonymity is crucial. The anonymous relationship between a "piece" and a "judge" guarantees a process where neither favour nor bias can detract from a fair judgement or influence a judgement. The process also puts aside personal friendships and personal opinions and most importantly of all, the spotlight is focussed fairly and squarely on the ❛piece of art❜ presented.
To be fair, it's true for some artists at times, the judging of a piece of their work can be confusing and overwhelming. Judging is in no way a reflection on the artist her/himself. Neither is it a reflection on the actual choice of image to paint. Nor should it be viewed as maybe casting a shadow on the talent of the artist. It is quite simply a logical way to determine the ❛key indicator❜ level of a skill or a technique a Unit Standard requires of an artist in the piece of work they have submitted. Nothing more and nothing less.
The information below outlines the ❝Unit Standards Judging Rules❞ which apply to all teachers and all artists alike who submit pieces for the judging panel to mark. It is essential for all concerned that the judging process is an enjoyable process - rather than being overwhelming and filled with dread. It needs to be of the highest standard, strong, balanced, and passionate, and the key (if applicable to the artist) to ongoing training and learning.
Porcelain Art Teachers NZ
Version Final 1.3 Date April 2013
Adjudicator, Judges and Judging
The reason for the Unit Standards is not only to improve the standard of teaching but also to train judges.
The Adjudicator and Judges for each examination will be chosen by the PATNZ COMMITTEE.
● The judges should hold the National Teachers Diploma wherever possible or be a senior and well established teacher.
● If neither of the above are available then members who have passed 50% of the Unit Standards may judge following some tuition on the finer points of porcelain decoration and kiln firing.
● It is considered important not to use the same examiners every year.
● The task of judging Unit Standards should be taken seriously and pieces should be fairly marked at all times.
● The Adjudicator will be an independent person with impartial views.
Before entering the judging room the judges will be given the guidelines to read for each subject being presented.
On entering the judging room each judge will be given a folder which will have in it
1. a judge's number which is assigned at random
2. the guidelines for each subject
3. judging slips for each US entry
4. note paper and pen.
The judges may then start, each at a different piece and work their way through the pieces - individually.
Judges are not permitted to confer or speak to each other in the judging room.
(This rule has been adopted to stop a judge with strong opinions from influencing any other judge.)
● When the Judge has examined each piece and completed the judging slip they hand them in and leave the room.
● The judging slips are checked to ensure a judge did not miss a piece.
● The results will then be compiled and recorded to see the candidate's results-either accepted or present again.
● The Adjudicator will check the written comments to make sure they were helpful not just negative and any unhelpful remarks as, "I don't like your colours etc." will be removed.
● No-one will know which judge has given pass or fail marks.
Only the Adjudicator knows which judge had which number.
The Adjudicator is the only person in the room a judge may speak to if they have a query and most queries can be answered by reading the guidelines.
The Adjudicator is not allowed to give her opinion of a piece.
The final decision on judging any piece should be
"Does the painter show enough skill to teach this subject to my best friend."
Any piece marked present again must be re-done on another plate/tile and presented at the following years' presentation.
The judge's decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into and no discussion will be held.
The work may be exhibited for viewing by members attending the AGM or an exhibition the following morning before they are returned to the artists.
Scroll to the bottom of the page to download a PDF of the
To finish this month's newsletter I want to share with you this beautiful quote of encouragement I came across the other day: "Strength doesn't come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn't." So true...
The magical heart of ArtOnPorcelainNZ beats with Encouragement, Love of our Art, Respect, and Kindness to All! Please keep that in the forefront of your thinking.
Embrace it! Enjoy it!
Your Partner in Success
Photo (Top right): Kaye Hurn
Copyright ©2017 ArtOnPorcelainNZ, All rights reserved.
Click here to download a copy of
the official newsletter of Porcelain Art Teachers NZ
Hello Fellow Artists
This month I had the absolute pleasure of welcoming Artist/Teacher Kaye Hurn from Tauranga into the ArtOnPorcelainNZ group of friends. Kaye's extensive experience and incredible talent is a welcome addition to our community. Kaye's main background education in this field of art has seen her attend schools in New Zealand, Australia and the USA. Kaye has been involved in Porcelain Art for the last 30 years and she freely admits her first love is painting roses, as you will see in her gallery here
strength will "tick all the boxes" our creative needs require.
President Hutt Valley Porcelain Art Association
Don't have regular access to a computer? Do you know an artist who doesn't have access to a computer? Check out your local library. These days, many libraries operate in the digital world and the staff are highly trained and technology aware. Libraries have become the place of choice for many people who do not own a computer to communicate with each other through emails and social media. Computers in libraries has allowed users to step into the online digital world that is now a permanent fixture in all our lives. In the interests of sharing in the World Wide Web and all the GOOD things it offers, I advise anyone to contact your local library and enquire if public computer access is available. You will need to check with the library the procedure for signing up as a member of the library. Library staff are always helpful, so check out your local library.
Do you want to join our community? Joining is FREE!
We have added a "Registration Form" to our website. You will find the link to the online Registration Form on our Contact menu above or you can click the green register online button (right) and pop over to the registration page. We invite all artists and all teachers to register with us. It doesn't matter if you not still painting or teaching as we encourage all artists "past and present" to joing our group of friends. We are a community of like-minded artists and even if you are not currently painting there will always be something of interest in our newsletters and upcoming events. Sign up now!!
A little shout out for something to watch out for... I plan to introduce a "Regional Round Up" section in the newsletters where I will be inviting contributions from artists, groups, and associations out in the regions to keep us all up to date with news, views and generally what's happening in the porcelain art community in YOUR region! Keep a lookout and get your typing fingers ready (or your pens)!!
Diploma update! It is my pleasure to welcome a past member back into our group. Her interest in finishing her Diploma in Porcelain Art has been rekindled and we are very excited and thrilled to have her back. It is definitely a win-win situation and truly gratifying to see.
"When I submit a piece for unit standards judging, how does the judging process work?"
❝Unit Standards Judging Rules❞
Sandra Austin
(President PATNZ)
Photo (Bottom left): Lynette Smith
Art Credit: ©Kaye Hurn "Roses on Stand (Close Up)"
Unit Standards Judging Rules