Welcome to the February/March 2018 issue of ❛PATNZ Create❜
Welcome to our first newsletter for 2018!
What an amazing hot and dry summer it has been throughout New Zealand. Here in Wellington we had water restrictions and not a lot of rain. It's now official that New Zealand has had the hottest summer since records began. With that in mind I'm sure that not a lot of painting has been done but now that we are going into the cooler autumn months those paint brushes and designs are starting to take shape.
Our two Hutt Valley teachers have now been back teaching for three weeks and pupils are keen to learn new techniques so hopefully the year will progress with more people wanting to join our devoted porcelain artists. Please drop me an email sandra@artonporcelain.co.nz or phone me (my number is at the bottom of the newsletter) if you are interested in joining these classes and one of our teachers will be in touch. You may just want to pop along and have a look at a class in session and that's perfectly fine too.
At our first committee meeting early in February, the committee agreed it's been an excellent year of great progress with the website for ArtOnPorcelainNZ and PATNZ (Porcelain Art Teachers NZ). We could never have imagined this time last year how far the journey would take us to where we are today!
Our journey in cyber space will be ongoing and this is where I ask each and every one of you for your help and support to ensure we maintain our comprehensive and resourceful website; whilst also maintaining the interesting information updates in the world of porcelain painting.
I would like contact (phone/email) details of your committee from all active groups please:
✽Liaison Person
I will put these on the website, but if you prefer not to have details on view I will just hold them on file for use if and when required. I had intended to phone many of you but alas time has not permitted this.
I ask that each region sends us a precis of what is happening in your region. We would love to know when each association and/or painting group meets and what attractions you have (you never know when someone may visit and pop in for a look and keen to meet you all) to entice and encourage new members. Also, if you are having an exhibition this year tell us when and if you are having a theme featured!! This could be valuable to everyone and important to anyone who is now watching our website or following us on Facebook and are interested in joining and learning how to paint on porcelain.
❝The benefits of joining the ArtOnPorcelainNZ online community!❞
We encourage our members to cultivate pride and identity in our New Zealand community of porcelain artists and friends where we provide a safe and warm online place where you can visit and sit a while and be part of a friendly and encouraging group. All artist's young and old, beginners or masters are welcome.
We endeavour to become a vibrant, engaging ❛hub❜ where our members are encouraged to share their wealth of artistic talent and experience not only with each other, but with a new generation of artists looking for information and inspiration.
Members of our community, be it here in NZ or around the world will become our eyes and ears in the world of porcelain painting, making sure everyone is aware of everything that is going on, and helping us echo back what we're hearing for our members to keep abreast of the conversations going on inside our community.
The world has changed greatly. Once upon a time we all met in each other's homes or local halls and venues, did our painting projects while chatting over a cuppa or two (or three), exchanged tips, formulated ideas, etc. While that still continues to this day, new ❛homes❜ have sprung up in the virtual world of cyber space in the form of ❛communities❜ and so it is with our community.
Some of our artists and friends express a little concern about this modern technology; some have even expressed fear. That is perfectly understandable. It has all happened so quickly and it sometimes seems like it is running away from us. Can I impress upon you all that technology in the hands of good people like us here in AOPNZ is a tool to enjoy in so many ways; not least a tool that provides our community with a forum (home) that knows no borders. We are all travelling along the information highway together in this new and modern world so let's not jump off at the next side road, let's keep the flow of information moving along with us.
We can't do this alone. We need your help. We want to be a comfortable place for artists and lovers of painting on porcelain to inspire, to inform, and to educate.
Sharing information is the key to the longevity of our art. It's that simple!
❝Unit Standards Update❞
This year's ❝Unit Standard❞ will be held the weekend of 29 September 2018. The venue has yet to be decided on. I've had the most wonderful news that there are more students who have decided to sit their Unit Standards and will begin with ❛Unit 1 Soft Flowers❜ and ❛Unit 2 Traditional European❜.
I'm so thrilled to have some new candidates taking on the challenge of completing and learning the variety of porcelain art subjects that make up the Unit Standard programme. I know myself the sense of finishing, achieving and learning the complexities and intricate styles along the way has given me a great grounding to have the confidence of how to teach. Not everyone will want to teach, instead the learning process gives a great insight into porcelain painting. It will give anyone confidence to paint any subject for their own enjoyment. A thank you to their teacher for encouraging them to start. I wish them the best of success.
I feel that this is a very good beginning and has made the efforts of starting our Facebook and website even more important and it's now onward and upwards!
❝An Interview with Phyllis Jenness❞
Phyllis Jenness is a long-time Member of Hutt Valley Porcelain Art Association (HVPAA).
To begin I was very privileged to be welcomed into Phyllis' lovely home situated in the rolling western hills of the Hutt Valley. It is not far from my home in Maungaraki across the hills to Belmont and through the small life styles blocks. So, travelling to visit Phyllis was a tranquil and lovely drive.
Arriving at Phyllis' new home which she moved into about 18 months ago is a wonder. The view of her lovely garden and the space in the quiet cul-de-sac lined with fab trees is an artist's dream.
I was treated to a coffee and Phyllis' famous shortbread. I resisted a second piece although it was so yummy I wished I hadn't.
My first question to Phyllis was, ❝What started her on her journey into painting on porcelain?❞
Phyllis described how she went to an Exhibition of Hutt Valley Porcelain Art Association some 30 years ago. There she was fascinated by the wonderful pieces of porcelain painted by Jocelyn Smith, a HVPAA member at the time. What was even more wonderful was that Phyllis could join and begin classes immediately. As Phyllis recalled, she just couldn't wait to get her starter kit and begin to learn everything about porcelain painting.
Along the journey Phyllis painted with Coralie Wallace and Leonie Sellers (Coralie's Sister) and they would travel regularly to Jill Hanlon's home in Waikanae to share their knowledge and learn from each other. At lunch time they would mull over different studies and learn lots of techniques and tips from Jill. Great memories and fun had along the way.
To quote Phyllis, ❝I have found learning to paint porcelain a challenging and satisfying art form and a great skill to master. Along the way I have met some wonderful ladies who have inspired me and with whom I have become great friends.❞
Phyllis also wanted to show me her treasurers she has from other porcelain painters that she has collected and have pride of place along with some very beautiful work or her own.
Art Credits:
Top Left - ©Swans by Phyllis Jenness ❝Painting
More hints for using GOLD
There are four types of gold that can be used for used in porcelain decoration.
The first is: Liquid Bright Gold (LB Gold)
This is the most common type of gold used by most porcelain artists. It is a metallic lustre and can be easily damaged by contamination with turpentine and many other oils we may use while painting — these may cause the gold to go purple — or have mottled grey finish or become splotchy-:
● Use only designated brushes for this purpose
● Use Lavender oil or essence of gold to thin your gold and wash brushes in
● although brushes can be kept pliable hanging from the lid of a jar with Lavender oil in the bottom — so no need to wash after every use and you are not wasting precious Gold!
● although brushes can be kept pliable hanging from the lid of a jar with lavender oil in the bottom — so no need to wash after every use and you are not wasting precious Gold!
● LB gold is available in several strengths or % of gold content — the higher the % the better
a) 22% or higher gives a good cover with one application.
b) 12% the most common in use will cover well but may need a second coat
Anything with a lower gold content will definitely require a second coat — remember to fire after each application.
Ensure your gold is warm and roll it in your hands to make certain it is evenly mixed (DO NOT SHAKE). To warm your gold carry it in a top shirt pocket near your skin for a couple of hours before using.
Before starting wash your hands thoroughly and dry with denatured alcohol or pure methylated spirits also clean the small bowl you will pour your gold onto (DO NOT use directly from the bottle) and the piece you are going to decorate with alcohol or meth. This removes all oils that may damage your gold.
If gold is too thick thin with a little lavender oil or essence of gold to right consistency for an even application from brush or pen.
Once applied leave to dry overnight check and clean off any wayward brush/pen strokes with cotton buds dipped in lavender (leave bud to stand for few minutes to avoid drips).
Make sure your kiln room is well vented.
Happy painting!
President Hutt Valley Porcelain Art Association
Don't forget our newsletter and events listings is all about YOU!
We would love you be involved with the creative input of producing our online newsletter and events calendar which is also printed for artists and friends who do not have regular access to a computer. So if you know anyone who would love to receive our newsletter by snail mail please get in touch here sandra@artonporcelain.co.nz or pop over and use our Contact Form here. We would like to extend an open invitation for anyone to send us details of any events you would like included in our events calendar page.
❝The World of Porcelain Art❞
Groups and Exhibitions to look out for:
Starting with our closest neighbour Australia.
➤ APAT (Australasian Porcelain Art Teachers) Queensland will be hosting the
Dates 26-30 August 2019
This will be at Twin Towns Club and Resort, Coolangatta. Gold Coast.
Contact Apatq2019@gmail.com
➤ APAT (Victoria) are hosting a 4 days seminar with Mariela Villasmil and Mary Gosden
Week 1 - Afternoon 14 October to 19 October 2018 with either Mariela or Mary
(Open to APAT members only)
➤ I.P.A.T. Miami - Filipe Pereira President is hosting the International Porcelain Artists and Teachers
Dates 12-18 August 2018 at Double Tree by Hilton
We are now listed on the World Wide network for all Porcelain Art Groups who have a website.
Check out this group by going onto the ArtOnPorcelainNZ website, click on the About menu above then choose Favourite Links or click here...
Computers in libraries has allowed users to step into the online digital world that is now a permanent fixture in all our lives. In the interests of sharing in the World Wide Web and all the GOOD things it offers, I advise anyone to contact your local library and enquire if public computer access is available. You will need to check with the library the procedure for signing up as a member of the library. Library staff are always helpful, so check out your local library.
❝Are you an artist with a passion for the art of painting on porcelain?❞
ArtOnPorcelainNZ along with Porcelain Art Teachers NZ (PATNZ) are diligently working to compile a register of all porcelain artists New Zealand-wide. This register will give us up-to-date information of everyone involved in our art form in New Zealand. The information you provide us will be handled with an appropriate level of discretion and confidentiality. Your information will never be sold or given to any other organisation or club or group or association. That is guaranteed.
For artists and friends who subcribe to our newsletter by post we are including a "Registration Form" for you to complete and post back to us if you are interested in joining our community.
To finish this month's newsletter I want to share with you a lovely quote I came upon this month — ❝Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.❞ Anais Nin 1931-1934
The magical heart of ArtOnPorcelainNZ beats with Encouragement, Love of our Art, Respect, and Kindness to All! Please keep that in the forefront of your thinking.
Embrace it! Enjoy it!
Your Partner in Success
Copyright ©2017 ArtOnPorcelainNZ, All rights reserved.
Click here to download a copy of
the official newsletter of Porcelain Art Teachers NZ
Inspire, Inform, Educate!
Hello Fellow Artists
Here at ArtOnPorcelainNZ we look upon our online community as ❝the watercooler for conversations❞ where porcelain artists and friends can gather around and engage with each other.
You may not realise it, but every artist is a gateway to a door that when opened will stimulate and create conversations between other members of our community in the shape of knowledge sought, knowledge given, and knowledge gained.
This is a small but wonderful portrait of a Porcelain Artist who has been a member of the HVPAA for over 30 years.
Centre Row of Art - ©(1.) Sparrow on Pink Roses by Phyllis Jenness (2.) Church Painted over Gold Inlay by Phyllis Jenness
(3.) Butterflies Galore by Phillis Jenness (4.) Fruit by Jean Davidson
Right - ©Scene with Gold by Lyn Johnson
Bottom Centre - ©Mountain and cattle scene painted and set into a coffee table by Phyllis Jenness
Tips for use:
Monica Martin
17th Australasian Exhibition and convention of Porcelain Art
There is enough time to book and plan in advance.
More information will be posted in the coming newsletters.
Week 2 - Afternoon 19 October to 24th October 2018 A Fusion of Mariela and Mary together
Mega Atlantic Convention and Exhibition
Don't have regular access to a computer? Do you know an artist who doesn't have access to a computer? Check out your local library. These days, many libraries operate in the digital world and the staff are highly trained and technology aware. Libraries have become the place of choice for many people who do not own a computer to communicate with each other through emails and social media.
We have added a "Registration Form" to our website. You will find the link to the online Registration Form on our Contact menu above or you can click the green register online button (right) and pop over to the registration page. We invite all artists and all teachers to register with us. It doesn't matter if you not still painting or teaching as we encourage all artists "past and present" to joing our group of friends. We are a community of like-minded artists and even if you are not currently painting there will always be something of interest in our newsletters and upcoming events. Sign up now!!
Once again I'd like to give a little shout out for something to watch out for in future newsletters... I plan to introduce a "Regional Round Up" section in the newsletters where I will be inviting contributions from artists, groups, and associations out in the regions to keep us all up to date with news, views and generally what's happening in the porcelain art community in YOUR region! Keep a lookout and get your typing fingers ready (or your pens)!!
Sandra Austin
(President PATNZ)
Unit Standards Judging Rules