Welcome to the February/March 2019 issue of ❛PATNZ Create❜
Welcome to our February/March 2019 newsletter!
Yes, another year has flashed by as we begin an exciting 2019.
A preview of what's ahead of us for this year.
As a National Body we need to have more input from other porcelain painters and groups around New Zealand. Our little band of dedicated followers are getting idea shy and would love to hear from anyone who would like to submit a tutorial or give us some inspiration for the future.
Many people want to know where they can go to learn to paint so we need to have contact details for each and every region so that these future followers can be directed to teachers in their area.
I have been able to help one person meet up and begin lessons with a tutor in her area. Please if you are still teaching and would be keen to take on more pupils please send your details to sandra@artonporcelain.co.nz
We will keep a list of teachers and contact you if a tutor is required in your area – or – if teachers are agreeable then we could also have contact details on the Website. It is important to have an updated list so that we can help potential pupils.
We have also sadly been contacted by relatives letting me know that a loved one has passed away and the family needs to know who would take their paints, products, kilns and porcelain. In most cases I have been able to help a little.
✔ President ✔ Secretary ✔ Treasurer ✔ Liaison Person
We will be put these details on the website, but if you prefer not to have details on view, they will be held on file for ArtOnPorcelain use only if and when required. I had intended to phone many of you but alas time has not permitted this.
❝Unit Standards Updates❞
We also have candidates who will be doing Units 3 Pen and Wash Unit 4(a) Animals and Unit 4 (b) Birds.
Unit Standards help us to master a variety of porcelain art subjects that make up the Unit Standard programme. I know myself the sense of finishing, achieving and learning the complexities and intricate styles along the way has given me a great grounding to have the confidence of how to teach.
Not everyone will want to teach, instead the learning process gives a great insight into porcelain painting. It will give anyone confidence to paint any subject for their own enjoyment. A thank you to their teacher for encouraging them to start. I wish them the best of success.
❝Melanie Foster❞
There is one place left in the second seminar for anyone who would still like to attend. Please let me know as soon as possible.
The first project is one of enamelling and after seeing enamel work in Europe last year and then reading an article in an old ❛Porcelain Artist❜ magazine I really had to give it a go – AND I was so lucky to acquire a few colours of copper enamel and some medium. What a thrill it was to have my wee sample come out of the kiln with a really pretty set of colours so now I need to do some design planning and use these colours for their full beauty and intensity.
I also have other powder enamels so will attempt to have success with these too. Perhaps by the next newsletter I will have a presentable example.
The second project is using ❛Roman Gold❜ – I have several pots and need a hands-on lesson to learn to use them as they are now so precious and I Do Not want to waste one little drop. So, my friends in painting there are my two must dos for 2019. Looks like many hours of searching and reading in the warm Autumn/Winter sun.
Have fun and enjoy your painting every one.
President Hutt Valley Porcelain Art Association
❝Hutt Valley Porcelain Calendar 2019❞
Club Day Calendar 2019
♣ Friday 15th March Sandra Austin Albatross Lustre – Workshop
❝The World of Porcelain Art❞
★ APAT Convention and Exhibition – 26th to 30th August
Visitors are able to pre-register to take advantage of booking the 1-day and ½-day workshops that will be running during the exhibition, also unlimited entry to the exhibition and access to the opening and closing events.
Our Guest artist Melanie Foster (photo left) will have a 3 day workshop painting Zebras during the Exhibition, spaces are limited for this workshop. Everything required for Melanie's seminar is included in the tuition fee.
Our Invited artists will be holding 1 day and ½-day workshops. Any workshop you attend all you will need to bring is you and maybe some brushes. Everything else is supplied in your kit.
Artwork: Zebras by Melanie Foster
Our artists teaching 1-day workshops are:
❉ Grace Hye Won Lee from New South Wales is teaching a Chrysanthemum design.
Our artists teaching ½-day workshops are:
❉ Sandra Austin from New Zealand
Photo: Grace Hye Lee – Artwork: Grace Hye Lee
Photo: Keiko Shimizu – Artwork: Keiko Shimizu
Artwork: Barbara Cronin
Barbara Cronin ❝Art in Action❞ is our free demonstration program running throughout the week.
We will have a variety of Artists presenting demonstrations of Porcelain Art for your enjoyment.
Don't forget our Commercial area will be open throughout the week, where you can purchase your painting supplies or maybe order a kiln from the supplier.
Twin Towns Services Club is on the Gold Coast just a 5-minute drive from Coolangatta airport.
Mantra Twin Towns is right next door for your accommodation needs. There are lots of other accommodation options available close by.
To register just email apatq2019@gmail.com to receive a visitor's pack.
❝Advertise in our Events Calendar❞
We would like to extend an open invitation for anyone to send us details of any events you would like included in our newsletter.
We are now listed on the World Wide network for all Porcelain Art Groups who have a website.
Check out this group by clicking on the "About" menu then choose "Favourite Links".
A little reminder for something to watch out for... I still plan to introduce a ❝Regional Round Up❞ section in the newsletters where I will be inviting contributions from artists, groups, and associations out in the regions to keep us all up to date with news, views and generally what's happening in the porcelain art community in YOUR region! Keep a lookout and get your typing fingers ready (or your pens)!!
The magical heart of ArtOnPorcelainNZ beats with Encouragement, Love of our Art, Respect, and Kindness to All! Please keep that in the forefront of your thinking.
Embrace it! Enjoy it!
Your Partner in Success
Copyright ©2017 ArtOnPorcelainNZ, All rights reserved.
Click here to download a copy of
the official newsletter of Porcelain Art Teachers NZ
Inspire, Inform, Educate!
Hello Fellow Artists
It has been another dry summer here in Wellington. Although this weekend we have finally had some reasonable rain and the grass is already going from brown and parched to a soft healthy green.
● Unit Standards update dates and times, etc.
● Painting with Monica Martin. Interesting ideas and information.
● Update on Melanie Foster and her two seminars in September.
Our two Hutt Valley groups have now been back in class for 3 weeks and pupils are keen to learn new techniques so hopefully the year will progress with more people wanting to join our devoted porcelain artists.
Please drop me an email at sandra@artonporcelain.co.nz or phone me (my number is at the bottom of the newsletter) if you are interested in joining any of these classes. One of our teachers will be in touch with you to talk about what you would like to do.
OR you may just want to pop along and have a look at a class in session and that's perfectly fine too.
At our first committee meeting for this year in February, the committee agreed 2018 was an excellent year of great progress with the website for ArtOnPorcelain and Porcelain Art Teachers NZ (PATNZ).
With our ongoing journey in cyber space we will need to ask each and every one of you for your help and support to ensure we maintain our comprehensive and resourceful website, whilst also maintaining the interesting information updates in the world of porcelain painting. I ask that each region send in a précis of what is happening in your association. We would love to know when each association and/or painting group meets and what attractions you have (you never know when someone may visit and pop in for a look and is keen to meet you all) to entice and encourage new members. Also, if you are having an exhibition this year tell us when and where. If your exhibition has a featured theme this could be valuable to everyone and important to anyone who is now watching our website or following us on Facebook and are interested in joining and learning how to paint on porcelain. It would also be helpful if we had contact (phone/email) details of a liaison officer or a committee member from all active groups please:
This year's ❝Unit Standards❞ judging will take place the weekend Saturday, 2nd November 2019. The venue has yet to be decided on. Two students who were to start last year have now joined and will start with Unit Standards "Unit 1 Soft Flowers" and "Unit 2 Traditional European".
This year we have the greatest of pleasure in hosting Melanie Foster. Melanie is coming to do two seminars in the first two weeks of September 2019. The dates are:
✤ First Seminar September 3rd, 4th & 5th
✤ Second seminar September 7th, 8th & 9th
I have been liaising with Sandra Evans, President of APAT Queensland who is responsible for arrangements with Melanie.
Although I have not been very active this last 12 months with my painting, (due to forcing some study on myself which is now completed and I am now the proud holder of a Diploma in Proof Reading and Editing). The ideas have been ❛in my face❜ and I am now finding I want to enter into a phase of experimentation.
Monica Martin
♣ Friday 12th April Petit Point – Demo
♣ Friday 24th May – Still to be finalised
♣ Friday 21st June Winter Solstice Lunch – La Bella Italia, Petone
♣ Monday 15th-28th July - EXHIBITION – Huia Gallery, Hutt Art Society
♣ Friday 24th August – Imari Workshop
♣ Friday 20th September – Post Seminar with Melanie Foster
♣ Friday 18th October – Christmas Painting
♣ Friday 29th November – Christmas Luncheon at 19th Haven Restaurant, Te Marua
Monica & Lorraine
From Sandra Evans Queensland APAT
★ Open to the public 27th to 30th August – Entry fee $2
Just bring your enthusiasm!
❉ Keiko Shimizu from Japan teaching a traditional brush technique and a lace design.
❉ Jill Varga from South Australia
❉ Barbara Cronin from Western Australia
❉ Barbara Cronin ❝Art in Action❞ is our free demonstration program running throughout the week.
Registrations are due on or before 30th May to secure your place.
Don't forget our newsletter is all about YOU! We would love you be involved with the creative input of producing our online newsletter and events calendar which is also printed for artists and friends who do not have regular access to a computer. So if you know anyone who would love to receive our newsletter by snail mail please email me sandra@artonporcelain.co.nz or pop over and use our contact form on our website.
❝Regional Roundup❞
Sandra Austin
(President PATNZ)
Unit Standards Judging Rules